So, when I tried to connect my lab Windows XP with Outlook 2003 to my new Exchange 2007, I got the errormessage “Your Exchange Server administrator has blocked the version of Outlook that you are using. Contact your administrator for assistance“.

The solution was simply, I didn’t have any public folders.

Open the EMC, go to Server Configuration -> Mailbox -> right-click a SG and choose New Public Folder Database and create a DB.

At first, I got the following error, but I could successfully mount the DB manually afterwards.

Some other useful Cmdlets when it comes to Outlook versions.

This will show you if any versions of Oulook are blocked with instructions from Microsoft KB924625.

[PS] C:\>Get-CASMailbox <mailboxname>| fl *mapi*

MAPIEnabled                   : True
MAPIBlockOutlookNonCachedMode : False
MAPIBlockOutlookVersions      :
MAPIBlockOutlookRpcHttp       : False

The following will get you some statistics of the latest logins:

[PS] C:\>Get-LogonStatistics | fl *client*

ClientIPAddress :
ClientMode      : Cached
ClientName      :
ClientVersion   : 12.0.6509.5000

ClientIPAddress :
ClientMode      : Cached
ClientName      :
ClientVersion   : 11.0.5604.0