Sometimes you don’t care that the sequence has failed in MDT. It can be several scenarios for this. Either, a user aborted the installation or maybe you are testing different installations and just don’t care about the old stuff. However, something that can be really annoying in MDT 2010 is that you, to able to restart the installation either need to delete the folder MININT on C:\ or format the whole disk by pressing F8 and running Diskpart in Windows PE. The support for this is better in MDT 2012 since it asks if you want to skip the old content and start over. However, if you want to automate the installation completly, here’s another option:
For some, it can look rather ugly but it works. The Unattend XML templates are stored in “%INSTALLDIR%\Templates\Unattend_PE_%PLATFORM%.xml”. For most people this is “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Deployment Toolkit\Templates” and then choose Unattend_PE_x86.xml or Unattend_PE_x64.xml.
If you open this file, you will notice that it contains information that the deployment wizard (LiteTouch.wsf) should be opened. It’s rather ugly actually since it first looks for the C: drive and then continues with D:, E: and F:(but it works great!).
If we move down these objets to <Order> 5,6,7 and 8 we can add the clean format function in the first four <Order> sections:
<RunSynchronousCommand wcm:action=”add”>
<Description>Clean disk</Description>
<Path>cmd /c echo select disk 0 > x:\format.txt</Path>
<RunSynchronousCommand wcm:action=”add”>
<Description>Clean disk</Description>
<Path>cmd /c echo clean >> x:\format.txt</Path>
<RunSynchronousCommand wcm:action=”add”>
<Description>Clean disk</Description>
<Path>cmd /c echo exit >> x:\format.txt</Path>
<RunSynchronousCommand wcm:action=”add”>
<Description>Clean disk</Description>
<Path>cmd /c diskpart /s x:\format.txt</Path>
<RunSynchronousCommand wcm:action=”add”>
<Description>Lite Touch PE</Description>
<Path>wscript.exe X:\Deploy\Scripts\LiteTouch.wsf</Path>
There it goes! Your computer should be wiped now! Good luck!
Still live saver after 12 years!